Thursday, 18 November 2010

Publication Plan

Publication Plan
Title:  Distortion

Positioning statement: Louder than words

Price: £2.99

Distribution: Newsagents and supermarkets

Rationale: The approach of my music magazine is from the reader’s perspective. It will contain interviews, articles and pictures of the hottest new bands which is what the readers want to see.

Style: The style of my music magazine is very informal using humour but not afraid to offer strong comment on events. The music magazine is for fans of the Rock/indie genre and will use simple vocabulary and slang to make the magazine seem friendly.

Images will be the dominant feature of my article.
Regular Content
Gig guides
Album reviews
New bands
Advertisements for new instruments
Stories of bands adventures
Top 20 songs of the Month
Funny pictures of rock artist of the month
Letter from the editor
hottest band at the moment

Feature Content
Interview with a specific band
top 10 rock songs of all time
New album of a band
Greatest Album of all time
featured Gig of the month
A life in the month of David  Grohl
Foo Fighters interview
Exclusive interview with Dave Short lead guitarist in Eye rock
Interview with the worlds greatest rock band gamer
Why fallout boy really broke up!
On the road with Green Day
How slash nearly died on stage
New kid on the block-take a look at the great Liverpool busker
Kings of Leon album review
My chemical romance tour
And interview with a band each month about what their greatest gig is?
House styleCover lines:
Cooper BlackHeadlines: Blackcloak Std boldStandfirst: Arno pro Smbd caption bold (14 font)
Captions: Arno pro Smbd Caption (size 8 font)
Features first paragraph: drop capital Arno pro Smbd caption, 5 lines deep and the First word in capitals.News first paragraph: first two words in bold capitals
Body text:
Berlin Sans FBColour
scheme: Red, black and Blue

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