Tuesday 28 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise

Our task for the preliminary exercise was to plan our front cover and to make a rough draft of what it will look like.
on my front cover its going to have:
magazine name: S-cool
colour theme: blue, black, sliver
mis-en-scene: GCSE results
cover lines: GCSE results, A-level results, school productions etc.
The second part of the exercise was to plan our contents page and make a rough draft of what that will look like.
On my Contents page it is going to have:
images which relate to the articles and featured articles such as charity news.

Camera shots

In our media lesson we were given a sheet with different types of camera shots, our task was to name the shots and write was was included in that shot e.g extreme close up : eyes and nose.
We were then given a camera and a task sheet. The task was to take specific shots and some to convey friendship and stress.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Codes and Conventions of a music magazines contents page

Today in our media lesson we were given 7 contents pages and then we were asked to list the codes and conventions of the page such as;
The colour theme carries on throughout the magazine
main image corresponds with the cover story
featured articles
letter from the editor about whats in the magazine
deals for subscriptions
page numbers
captions on the main image
buzz words
page number colours are different to the text or are in bold to make it stand out
the word "Contents" is bigger than the other texts
little images link to other stories
there are about 20 featured articles
size 11 font is consistent
most important things are at the top of the magazine such as the main feature, where as the least important things are at the bottom like page number
it welcomes new readers with a letter from the editor
contact details
Information about the magazine- address, phone number, name of editor
in the list of contents the page number always comes before the text followed by a few words e.g the artists name to intrigue the reader in either bold or capitals the average font is 12-13
A sub-line after this, this tells you a more specific detail about the article in a smaller and roman font (no bigger than size 11)

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Codes and Conventions of a Front Cover magazine

Yesterday and today in media we were handed five magazine front covers and we were asked to look at the layout and list the codes and conventions of the magazine such as;

The magazine mast head takes up the width of the page at the top and it is set in its own unique font.
Main image takes up most of the page and the images are in a direct mode of address.
The bar code is usually located on the bottom or the side of the page which also includes the issue date the website and the price.
There is usually a theme of colours used on a magazine front cover no more than 3-4 colours which are simple and do not clash but are also eye catching.
featured articles
background makes the main image stand out and makes it look more formal to the readers.
Text anchors the image it is never over the image.
4-6 cover lines on each front cover
Main cover line is usually in a bigger font than the others to make it stand out.
Buzz words are used in order to attract for example "plus" and "free", these words both get the reader to want to buy that magazine.
Subsidairy images images at used which may also get you to look at the magazine, especially when well known images are used these images may be used as a back upimage.
only a few fonts are used either serif (with hooks) e.g Times roman or sans (without hooks)e.g Arial